Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a PEP Specialist in DR AMBEDKAR NAGAR and has an experience of 22+ years in this field.
If you think that you are at risk of getting infected with HIV, then you should not hesitate to contact Dr. Yuvraj Arora who is PEP's best doctor for HIV treatment in EAST OF KAILASH PHASE I. So PEP for HIV Treatment EAST OF KAILASH PHASE I, C/o Dr. Yuvraj Arora contact Dr. Monga Medi Clinic
PEP (post-openness prophylaxis) implies taking medication to forestall HIV after a potential openness. Energy ought to be utilized distinctly in crisis circumstances and should be begun inside 72 hours after a new conceivable openness to HIV.
Earthborn immunodeficiency poison (HIV) is a poison which spreads through the body fluids and affects the protected system causing lowering of infection- fighting CD4 cells of the protected system. It's a poison which can lead to AIDS (Acquired protected drought course) Once infected, earthborn body cannot get disburden of HIV. HIV can piecemeal destroy the protected system and advance to AIDS if left native.
Symptoms of HIV
Soon after infection with HIV, some people have flu-parallel symptoms, matching as fever, headache, or rash. Symptoms may come and go 1 month or 2 after infection.
More severe symptoms of HIV infection, matching as habitual diarrhoea, weight loss, and other signs of opportunistic infections, generally do not appear for multiplex spans. (Opportunistic infections are infections and infection- related cancers that do more much or are more severe in people with weakened untouchable systems.)
Treatment to prevent HIV Infection
Health care laborers who are in danger for HIV due to an incidental stick with a needle or other openness to body liquids ought to get medication to forestall disease.
Additionally, medication might forestall HIV contamination in a been assaulted individual or was incidentally presented to the body liquids of an individual who might have HIV. This kind of treatment is typically begun inside 72 hours of the openness.
Also, studies have shown that in case you are not tainted with HIV, taking antiretroviral medications can ensure you against HIV. But to keep your danger low, you actually need to utilize more secure sex rehearses.
PEP for HIV Treatment
Normal danger of procuring HIV contamination after a percutaneous openness to HIV tainted blood is 0.3%. Post openness prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV alludes to a bunch of exhaustive administrations to forestall HIV contamination in uncovered people where the openness can be word related/non word related and an arrangement of present moment (28 days) antiretroviral drugs are given relying upon the danger appraisal. It additionally incorporates directing and applicable lab examinations subsequent to taking educated assent regarding the uncovered individual and source. Energy represses the replication of the underlying inoculum of infection and in this way forestalls foundation of constant HIV contamination, and is best compelling when started inside 2 hours yet surely inside 72 hours.
Post openness prophylaxis (PEP) is a clinical reaction to forestall transmission of pathogens after expected openness and alludes to thorough administration organized to limit the danger of contamination following likely openness to blood-borne microorganisms (HIV, HBV, HCV). It incorporates emergency treatment, directing, hazard appraisal, pertinent research center examinations dependent on the educated assent regarding the uncovered individual and source and relying upon the danger appraisal, the arrangement of present moment (28 days) of antiretroviral drugs, alongside follow-up assessment.
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