Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Navi Mumbai
Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Navi Mumbai
Types of Urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence is of different types. The two most common types are :
Stress urinary incontinence: It is a condition in which there is leakage of urine on performing activities like coughing, sneezing, laughing, running etc.
Urgency incontinence: It is a condition in which there is sudden, overwhelming urge to urinate. You may leak urine on the way to the toilet.
Other types of incontinence:
Mixed incontinence: Stress and urgency incontinence together is called mixed incontinence.
Overflow incontinence: The bladder does not empty completely, causing leakage when the bladder becomes overly full. Can occur in women with diabetes or neurological conditions.
Medications, medical problems and dementia (difficulty in thinking clearly) can also be associated with incontinence.
You could also be suffering from urinary frequency, i.e. the need to run to the bathroom frequently.
You can read more about your bladder control problems, the types of incontinence and treatments available in the patient information centre here.
Diagnosis of type and severity of incontinence
Diagnosis of the type of incontinence is very important.
Treatments are specific and tailored to the type you have. Surgical treatment without a correct diagnosis can often lead to added problems.
It is important to differentiate between the different types of urine leakage as treatment differs. Surgical treatment without determining the type of incontinence present can lead to more problems if the type you have is urgency incontinence.
It is also important to determine the severity of the incontinence as the treatment options may vary.
At UPHI, we offer state-of-the-art diagnostics to determine the type of incontinence and the best treatment plan for you.
You will be asked to maintain a bladder diary, which is a record of how much urine you make, how frequently you go, how much fluid you drink and the activities that caused leakage. The diary provides useful information about the causes and potential treatment. Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Navi Mumbai
The tests you may undergo include:
Urine testing for bladder infection: Bladder infection can be associated with a sensation of urgency and can lead to increased frequency of urination.
Urodynamic testing: Urodynamics is a test that evaluates various aspects of your bladder’s function, namely storage (continence) of urine and the voiding (elimination) of urine from the bladder. We will attempt to mimic the problems that you complain of in your everyday life, helping us to diagnose and treat your problem more accurately. The test is painless and performed in an office setting.
Without urodynamics, the diagnosis of bladder problems is often guesswork. You can read more about urodynamics testing here.
Cystoscopy: It is an office procedure in which a small lighted telescope is inserted through the urethra to visualize the inside of the urethra and the bladder. Cystoscopy may be necessary if you have persistent urgency and frequency symptoms to determine if there is any pathology inside the bladder that may be causing the symptoms. BEst Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Mumbai
What are Treatment of Urinary incontinence
At UPHI, we offer state-of-the-art treatments comparable to the best in the world for your bladder control issues in a warm and supportive environment.
We recognize that urinary incontinence is difficult to talk about and respect the sensitive nature of the problem and your need for privacy.
We will work with you to arrive at a treatment plan that is tailored to the type of incontinence and severity taking into consideration your personal goals from the treatment and physical activity.
Treatments may include:
Behavioural therapy: Regardless of your type of incontinence, the initial treatment will likely involve behavioural therapy. Behavioural therapy may include either one or all of the following therapies:
Fluid and dietary modification:We often give very little consideration to our fluid intake and dietary and bowel habits. The bladder diary will give us considerable insight into factors that can be changed to improve your condition. For example, the elimination of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages may be beneficial.
Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation: Many women with incontinence are unable to isolate or contract their pelvic floor muscles and so have no defense mechanisms when stress or urgency threatens to cause incontinence.
We will assess your pelvic floor muscle function during vaginal examination and teach you how to strengthen and use these muscles when incontinence threatens.
Bladder training programs: These are a variety of techniques where the bladder is trained to improve its functioning. Depending on the nature of your problem, the right training program will be recommended.
Medications : Medications may include local estrogen treatment and/or drugs that help relax the bladder.
Behavioural therapy and medications are the mainstay in the treatment of urgency incontinence.
Minimally invasive procedures
Bulking agent injection for stress urinary incontinence: For some patients with stress urinary incontinence, the urethral competence can be narrowed by the injection of a bulking agent into the wall of the urethra.
It is a virtually painless outpatient procedure performed in the clinic under local anesthetic. The procedure may need to be repeated at periodic intervals to maintain the effect.
Botox injection for urgency incontinence: Some women may have intractable urgency incontinence caused due to uncoordinated contractions of the bladder wall that does not respond to medication.
In such patients, botulinum toxin (Botox) can be injected into the bladder wall muscles to relax them. The bladder wall muscles are then unable to contract and cause involuntary loss of urine.
Urethral Sling – In patients with stress incontinence, a thin strip of mesh material can be placed under the urethra to help support its natural functioning and prevent leakage of urine. The sling simulates a hammock to provide extra support.
If you believe you may be experiencing bladder control problems, the incontinence clinic at UPHI can help you. Team of professionals offer the best, most compassionate care for women in a state-of-the-art facility to ensure patients receive the most effective and technologically advanced treatments. At UPHI, you always come first.
Contact UPHI for your comprehensive pelvic health care today and schedule a consultation
About Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence is a condition in which the patient cannot control his or her urination. Treatment for urinary incontinence can include bladder control exercises, behavioral and/or lifestyle modifications, pelvic muscle floor exercises, medications, electrical stimulation, medical devices, and
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