Diabetes specialist doctor in Delhi ||| दिल्ली मे मधुमेह विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर |||

Diabetes Specialist Doctor

Dr. Jyoti Arora is a Consultant Diabetologist in Dr. Monga Clinic Delhi, and has an experience of 20 years in clinical service. Dr. Jyoti Arora provides proactive treatment to patients preventing complications related to diabetes.


Diabetes is very common in today's time. Diabetes is catching up fast in the way it has become a lifestyle nowadays. The situation is that not only older people but in today's time youth and children are also falling in the grip of diabetes. This is such a dangerous disease, which gradually hollows the body.Once this disease occurs, it remains with it for life. This disease occurs due to increased blood sugar and insulin does not work properly. That is, it also has to face many types of problems. If this is ignored then other parts of the body can be inactive.

Get-Diabetes specialist doctor in Delhi


How does Diabetes Occur

When there is less insulin reaching the pancreas of our body, then the level of glucose in the blood increases. This condition is called diabetes. Insulin is a hormone produced by the digestive node. Its function is to convert food into energy inside the body. This is the hormone that controls the amount of sugar in our body.In diabetes, the body has difficulty in making energy from food. In this condition, the increased level of glucose starts damaging various organs of the body.

This ailment is more common in men than in women. Diabetes is mostly hereditary and due to lifestyle disturbances. In this, hereditary type-1 and diabetes caused by irregular lifestyle are kept in type-2 category. Under the first category, those people come in whose family, if any of the parents, grandparents have diabetes, then the family members are more likely to get this disease.Apart from this, if you reduce physical exertion, do not get enough sleep, have irregular diet and consume mostly fast food and sweet foods then the chances of getting diabetes increases.

Due To Diabetes

  •  Lack of exercise
  •  Mental stress
  •  Excessive Sleep
  •  Obesity
  • Inordinate input of sugar and meliorated carbohydrates
  • Hereditary factors

Symptoms of Diabetes


Many symptoms of diabetes are experienced by the patient himself.

  • Frequent urination during night time
  • Blurred vision
  • Feeling tired and weak
  • Numbness of feet
  • Excess thirst
  • Time taken for wound healing
  • Always feeling hungry
  • Weight loss
  • Skin infection

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes at Dr. Monga Medi Clinic

Controlling blood sugar ie diabetes has become a very big challenge today, but diabetes can be controlled with the treatment of Ayurveda at Dr. Monga Medi Clinic.

For More Information-+91-8010977000,9999219128


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